Fr. Ron Rolheiser Retreat

A heart-felt thank you to the 300 plus participants of this wonderful retreat. You are to be commended for your courage to participate in this virtual way. Your commitment has inspired our team at Queen’s House to adapt further and to offer more programs. Stay posted – we are working on other programs and look forward to sharing these with you.

2020 Summer Stillness Retreat – Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI
Brochure                                   Summary

Monday Notes               Tuesday-Thursday Notes
Zoom Instruction                      Celtic Benediction

All presentations will be offered on Zoom

  • Contact Sarah Donnelly for assistance or inquiries by email at or by phone at 306-242-1916 x226
  • TIME ZONE: This retreat will be offered in Central Standard Time, which in the summer is the same as Mountain Daylight Time. Please ensure that you choose the correct time zone when participating in this retreat, and that you not choose Central Daylight Time, which is the time zone to the east of us.
  • CURRENCY: The fee for this retreat is in Canadian dollars.
  • RECORDED SESSIONS: This retreat will be recorded, and links to the retreat will be emailed to all those who have registered for the retreat. The recordings will be available until August 1 for you to view at your convenience.
  • PRACTICE SESSIONS USING ZOOM: There will be a few scheduled practice sessions in the days leading up to the retreat to ensure that the technology is working, and to have the time to troubleshoot any concerns. An email will be sent to you in the week leading up to this retreat with the days and times for these practice sessions.

Public Lecture Portion:  Monday Evening, July 6 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm Only
“Faith, Doubt & Darkness: Understanding the dynamics of belief and doubt beyond the fervor of youth”.

Register and Pay for Monday Evening Only ==> Monday Evening Only

“We live with a deep secret that sometimes we know, and then not!” Faith has this curious quality. Some days we can walk on water and other days we feel like atheists.  This lecture will explore the deep inner dynamics of faith. What is real faith? What is genuine doubt? What are the dark nights of the soul that can assail us? How do we work at sustaining a genuine faith?
This presentation is offered as a stand-alone option for all participants unable to attend Father Ron’s full retreat.  It is included for participants registered for the full retreat.

Full Retreat Presentation: The full retreat includes Fr. Ron’s Monday evening presentation and continues on Tuesday, July 7 from 9:15 am until Thursday July 9 at 11:30 am:  “Naming the Present Moment of our Faith: Searching for nurturing metaphors in a time of receding transcendence”

Register and Pay for the Full Retreat ==> Full Retreat Presentation

How do we move from being good to being great? How do we break the long-standing patterns and habits of mediocrity in our lives? How do we move beyond the last and deepest sadness of our lives?  During this period of Summer Stillness we will attempt to take a deeper look at the invitations that Jesus has given us to grow. The great mystics have always stated that when we reach the highest level of human maturity, we will have only one question left: How can I be more helpful? How can we be more mature, more helpful, and more generative?

Registration Details:
Monday Evening Only Cost is $25.                Full Retreat Cost is $100.
(for those with limited schedule)              (For those able to participate fully)
Please note that these registration costs are per computer. Also, the $100 registration cost for the full retreat is for the entire retreat and not per session or per day. The same code and password for the entire retreat will apply.

Gathering with others to enjoy this retreat? Please consider making a
donation to Queen’s House for each additional participant.
Thank you for your generosity!

Click to access our Donation Page

There are two options to consider when registering for this on-line Zoom retreat:
1.    Register and pay online as outlined above!                OR

2.    Call Queen’s House and register over the phone: 306-242-1916.
Please note that we are still closed to the public and our staffing is minimal, so leave a message and we will be in touch with you as quickly as we can.

Thank you! We know this is a new format for us all. Summer Stillness with Fr. Ron has been offered at Queen’s House for more than 30 years, and we are grateful for the technology that allows us to virtually gather in the summer of 2020.

Retreat Schedule:
Each session will be shown on Zoom and will end with some time for questions and discussion with Fr. Ron and participants.
7:00 – 9:00 pm    Welcome and Public Lecture
9:00 – 9:15 pm    Night Prayer

9:15 am              Morning Prayer
9:30 – 11:30 am  Session 2
2:00 – 4:00 pm    Session 3
4:15 pm              Evening Prayer

9:15 am              Morning Prayer
9:30 – 11:30 am Session 4
2:00 – 4:00 pm   Session 5
4:15 pm              Evening Prayer

9:15 am              Morning Prayer
9:30 – 11:00 am Session 6
11:00 am            Closing Prayer Service